Hello and thanks for being interested in my contributions to the Gitcoin ecosystem 🤖

Some of you may know me from the public goods scene or for my work done in FDD (2021-2023), some of you may not, but one thing is certain, we all love Gitcoin❤️, public goods and want to create a better future for all. Since my official departure from Gitcoin I’ve remained as a Steward and have been working closely with Gitcoin for the last year as part of the Arbitrum on Gitcoin Rounds.

My contributions as a Gitcoin Citizen are multiple, but can can be divided into three categories stewardship, experiments and ecosystem & community support. The work outlined here is after September 2023

1. Steward:

I’ve been actively promoting Gitcoin, helping people and organizations leverage QF. Have remained active on the forum and in group chats. As a steward I’ve always advocated for: -fairness and transparency, especially the grant processes -community education & empowerment -community support and inclusiveness


  1. Conceptualized and co-executed the first round using QF to co-fund an Ethereum National event - the ETH Bucharest x Arbitrum DAO.

As a citizen of Romania and I just thought it might be cool to make ETH Bucharest the first national event co-funded using QF. Introduced the idea to the Eth Bucharest team and we did it -people donated and helped shape the distribution of funding to the event and also donated to the volunteers. See the results here

This has triggered a network effect as multiple other ETH event organizers have reached out to me to launch QF rounds using Allo. 

( Full disclosure: I am managing a grant program for Arbitrum DAO which matches rounds because an on Arbitrum, but it only involves distributing funding - not consulting organizations, helping the teams execute-conceptualize round, etc)

3.Ecosystem and community support:

examples: Ethereum Bucharest, Ethereum Bratislava, 1Hive, Fiat 24, WWF, etc

Proof of work done pro bono:

  1. Some recent spaces(December 2023-March 2024) which I’ve organized and/or presented Gitcoin + QF in:

Fiat 24: https://twitter.com/Fiat24Account/status/1725112099397837049 Eth Bucharest: https://twitter.com/arbitrum/status/1759260764102124023 Metaventis- NFT Paris https://twitter.com/metaventis/status/1762522874420605141

Glo Dollar https://twitter.com/glodollar/status/1764780451510501859

2. Most of the work done is spread out via dozens of telegram, discord groups, channels and private conversations, here are some samples. Unfortunately there are a lot of 1on1 and team calls - which I did not record or cannot print screen.
